Monday, October 15, 2007


Here is my second of two creatures. The concept is that here would be a parasitic relationship between Chicken Man and Squiddy. This creature would basically latch on to the hind end of the first creature and partially consume it. It takes over it's circulatory and nervous systems and makes it another part of it's own body. When they come together Squiddy becomes the brain of the larger quadruped formed by the junction of the two creatures. Anyways, here is a video and some images of the creature I have been working on. Both will be rigged and animated eventually.

Chicken Man

So I am working on a set of two creatures. This is the first one that I call Chicken Man for now. He is kind of a prehistoric bird with some human features. This is the first time I am trying to use a Maya to ZBrush workflow. I have been fooling around with making my own alpha brushes for detailing in Zbrush and exploring normal mapping to be used on a low-res model for video game usage. Here is a video turn around of the creature so far along with some closer shots. I will be rigging him and my second character fairly soon.


Hi there. So I decided to start up a blog and keep track of some of the work I am currently doing. Hopefully this will help keep me motivated. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.